Meet the sweetest
version of yourself

Read My Book!

Read My Book!

“Energy is inside and around everything, an unseen force so powerful it can bring about profound enlightenment, joy, healing, insight, and a deep sense of peace. Throughout history, people have used various activities and practices such as meditation, yoga, chanting, and prayer to tap into the realm of higher energy and reshape how they feel, live, and connect with others. In Too Busy for Enlightenment, Paula Throckmorton takes the reader on a thrilling exploration of this extraordinary world we can't see or touch.”

Hello, I am Paula

Like you, I am a kaleidoscope of many colors. I am business person and a student of higher energy. I've taught meditation to many and host free Zoom sessions daily at 5pm. I'm also a keen entrepreneur, finding beauty and value where others don't. I've renovated properties, spotted promising stocks, and had my own jewelry business. Before all this, I was a strategy consultant and a Harvard Business School graduate. My mission is to merge business excellence with higher energy, envisioning a world where you can thrive and feel great every day. My first book, Too Busy For Enlightenment, is now out, and I'd love it if you shared it with everyone you’ve ever met! Learn More

“The secret I’ve found is that meditation doesn’t have to be an earnest activity conducted in hallowed silence.”

“I had a life that ticked the boxes that magazines and mentors said led to happiness, but I was irritable and discontented much of the time. My life looked good, but it didn’t feel good. Relief finally came when I learned to be something different, not just do something different.”

Paula Throckmorton

Come and meet a practice that will help you be something different rather than do something different.